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YANM files are file formats used in WWE 2K games to show animations. They are not meant to be opened as regular files. provides information on over 400 file extensions. It includes file type descriptions and links to download associated software.
File extensions are usually 3 or 4 characters after a period in a filename. They indicate the file type. Some common extensions lists are – numbers, A-E, F-L, M-R, S-Z.
File names have two parts – the name and a 3 or 4 character extension after a period. The extension indicates the file type, like xlsx for Excel files.
File extensions indicate the file format or type, like .avi indicates a video file. This allows programs to recognize the file.
If you need help opening an unknown file type like .YMT, tips below explain what software may open it.
File-extension-list is open source software that helps categorize directories of files. It is used by the application harvest.
IAN files are a proprietary Sterling Software file type for business team models. Appropriate Sterling Software is required to open them.
YAV files have a medium popularity rating. Details below provide troubleshooting on what programs open YAV files.