.WCF File Extension

WebEx Saved Chat Session

Files with the .wcf extension can only be launched by certain applications. The WebEx application uses files in the WCF format. WCF files are data files rather than documents or media. The WebEx appli...

General Information

Title WCF File Extension
Extension .wcf
Full Form WebEx Saved Chat Session
File Type Data File
Developer Cisco Systems
MIME Type application/x-ms-wcf

File Function

Primary Function Store chat sessions
Additional Functions Record messages, timestamps
Features Textual data, Timestamped

File Characteristics

Quality Plain text
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable With text editor

Use Cases

Online Meetings Yes
Event Recordings Yes
Training Sessions Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Information disclosure
Best Practices Encrypt files, Access control

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Associated with WebEx launch
Latest Version Tied to WebEx updates

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .arf, .wrf

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
WebEx Meetings Subscription-based Windows, Mac, iOS, Android
WebEx Network Recording Player Free with WebEx Windows, Mac