VCPROJ files contain Visual C++ project information. Use Microsoft Visual Studio to open and work with .vcproj files. Visual Studio converts .vcproj files to .vcxproj files automatically when opening. VCPROJ files use XML format. So text and code editors can open them. But editing incorrectly may corrupt the project.
Windows recognizes filename extensions to open files. If Windows does not recognize an extension, it asks to select an app. To associate .vcproj files with software, update the application used to open them. Also check .vcproj files for viruses with antivirus software.
The .vcproj extension defines project build settings, source code files, compiler options, and configurations. An example shows XML formatting with Visual Studio version and encoding.
Sometimes ProgIDs for file extensions should not change. The .htm ProgID links to many operating system functions. So it is widely used with .htm and .html files.
File extensions like .vcproj encode information for storage. The format specifies how bits encode data. File formats may be proprietary or open, published or unpublished.