TY+ files store metadata at the end, referred to in ".ty+" extension. TiVo recordings are saved as .TIVO files. TY+ files are rare now as they are no longer used by TiVo devices to store recordings. T...
TY+ files store metadata at the end, referred to in “.ty+” extension. TiVo recordings are saved as .TIVO files. TY+ files are rare now as they are no longer used by TiVo devices to store recordings. They were primarily created by TiVo devices released in 2000s if recording had metadata. Also, most TiVo devices encrypt recordings for copyright.
When extracting files from TiVo using Mfs_ftp, extracted files are stored as TY, TY+, TMF or CCX formats. Shows are not stored as single files; they are in a database. So you can’t use TiVo FTP server to browse file system and find shows.
I simply changed file name extension to “.mpg” and everything works. Which files are mpeg-2 instead of mpeg-4. Not sure why not already saved with that extension by pyTiVo desktop. I was looking at wrong files. Nothing wrong with my files created with pyTiVo desktop program.
The extracted .ty does not contain “ty+” metadata embedded at end. Unless extract stream file from .tmf, mfs_ftp does not serve different files for “ty” vs “ty+” extensions; all are ty+ format with metadata. However, tools like ‘tytool’ produce simple .ty without metadata.
The following table lists file types supported by Elmedia Player:
File extension – File type
.3gp, .3gpp, .3g2 – 3gp
File-Extensions.org has detailed explanation of each file type with links to download associated software.
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