.TSX File Extension

TSX files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: React TypeScript File

A TSX file contains code that is part of a single-page or mobile application. TSX files can be opened in any text editor. There are nice-to-have benefits from a .tsx extension: Bundlers can run differ...

General Information

Title TSX File Extension
Extension .tsx
Full Form TypeScript XML File
File Type Source Code File
Developer Microsoft, Facebook
MIME Type text/plain

File Function

Primary Function Define structure
Additional Functions Include logic
Features JSX syntax, Type safety

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on code
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Web Development Yes
User Interfaces Yes
Enterprise Applications Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Injection attacks
Best Practices Linting, Unit testing

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2016
Latest Version TypeScript 4.7 (2023)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .ts, .jsx, .js

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Visual Studio Code Free Windows, Mac, Linux
WebStorm Paid, Free trial Windows, Mac, Linux
Atom with TypeScript plugin Free Windows, Mac, Linux

Type 2: Tiled Tileset

The TSX file is a Tiled Tile Set XML. Tiled is a tile map editor that is free, easy to use and flexible. TSX files do not contain a copy of the image Tiled users imported. Instead, they contain a refe...

General Information

Title TSX File Extension
Extension .tsx
Full Form Tiled Tileset XML
File Type Game Development File
Developer Thorbjørn Lindeijer
MIME Type application/xml

File Function

Primary Function Store tilesets
Additional Functions Define properties, Include images
Features XML format, Customizable

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on content
Supports Layers Yes, via .tmx
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Tileset Creation Yes
Game Level Design Yes
Map Editing Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Low
Best Practices Validate XML, Use trusted sources

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2011
Latest Version Tiled 1.7.2 (2023)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .tmx, .json

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Tiled Map Editor Free, Open Source Windows, Mac, Linux