.TEACHER File Extension

SMART Notebook Teacher Edition File

The TEACHER file extension represents SMART Response Teacher Database Format. This format was developed for SMART Notebook software by SMART Technologies. The TEACHER file was likely created using SMA...

General Information

Title TEACHER File Extension
Extension .teacher
Full Form SMART Notebook Teacher Edition File
File Type Interactive Whiteboard File
Developer SMART Technologies
MIME Type application/x-smarttech-notebook

File Function

Primary Function Store educational materials
Additional Functions Interactive display, Lesson planning
Features Multimedia support, Interactive

File Characteristics

Quality High interactivity
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Education Yes
Lesson Presentation Yes
Student Engagement Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Limited
Best Practices Regular updates, Encrypted storage

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Circa 2000s
Latest Version Varies by SMART Notebook

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .notebook, .xbk, .gallery

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
SMART Notebook Software Paid with free trial Windows, Mac
SMART Learning Suite Subscription Windows, Mac