SRB files mostly belong to Corel ClipArt ScrapBook. Use our “Online SRB Text Viewer” to analyze your SRB file and see all text it contains. You need software like Corel ClipArt ScrapBook to open an SRB file. Without proper software you will receive an alert “Windows cannot open this file”.
SRB file belongs to the Misc Files category like 6033 other extensions in our database. XWE is the most used program for working with SRB files. Programs that can handle SRB files are as follows. Files with SRB extension can be found on any operating system. The files may be transferred to other devices, yet not all systems may properly handle them.
When starting Sonic Robo Blast 2, the SRB file is the first resource file loaded. It is the main resource file saved in the .WAD format used by games running on the Doom engine. Sonic Robo Blast 2 was built using Doom Legacy port of Doom.
When you double-click a file, Windows examines the extension. If Windows recognizes the extension, it opens the file in the associated program. When Windows does not recognize an extension, you receive a message to select an app to open the .srb file.
Below are tips on how to open SRB files and a list of programs that support them:
1. SRB File Opener
2. SRB File Converter
3. SRB File Viewer
4. SRB File Editor
The SRB file extension indicates which app can open the file. Different programs may use SRB files for different data. We know which programs open these files, as we receive suggestions from users about specific file types and programs they use.
6033 file types are given the SRB extension, but most are not compatible. You must use a different application to handle each. Corel ClipArt ScrapBook Data Format was created by XWE.