.SNAP File Extension

Snap Package File

The SNAP file makes it easier for a user to run an app. SNAP files are most often associated with the XZX-Pro program developed by Erik Kunze. The snapd tool is used to maintain and manage SNAP packag...

General Information

Title SNAP File Extension
Extension .snap
Full Form Snap Package File
File Type Package File
Developer Canonical Ltd.
MIME Type application/vnd.snap

File Function

Primary Function Software deployment
Additional Functions Contain app, dependencies
Features Self-contained, Sandboxed

File Characteristics

Quality Read-only, SquashFS
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Sandboxed
Editable No

Use Cases

Desktop Apps Yes
Server Software Yes
IoT Devices Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Restricted, Isolated
Best Practices Snap audits, Confinement

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2016
Latest Version Varies by app

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .deb, .rpm, .appimage

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Snapd Free Linux distributions
Snap Store Free Linux distributions