An SMV file contains output data from Fire Dynamics Simulator modeling software. It includes information about a simulated fire. SMV files can be viewed using Smokeview to visualize the data. The file...
An SMV file contains output data from Fire Dynamics Simulator modeling software. It includes information about a simulated fire. SMV files can be viewed using Smokeview to visualize the data. The files use keywords like FIRE, DEVICE, HEAT, SPRK, and ROOM. These describe the fire location, sensors in the area, and details of the room with the fire. Though Smokeview is typically used, SMV files can also be opened in a text editor since they are plain text.
Smokeview visualizes smoke and fire attributes from computational fluid dynamics models like the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). Realistic visualization lets you experience the simulated fire. This uses semi-transparent planes at grid nodes with transparency set by FDS soot density data.
A typical workflow uses FDS to simulate a fire and generate SMV files. Then Smokeview reads the SMV files to analyze and visualize the simulation results. Smokeview can also create and modify blockages which get saved to a new FDS input file.
While SMV files relate to Cadence SMV, that application seems unsupported now. Cadence SMV did symbolic model verification of finite state systems against temporal logic properties. The SMV file type categorizes as a data file.