.RRES File Extension

Raylib Resource File

You can use rResPacker to open and extract assets from an RRES file. If the file is encrypted, you must know the password. The RRES file is a rResPacker Game Resource Package. rResPacker packages game...

General Information

Title RRES File Extension
Extension .rres
Full Form Raylib Resource File
File Type Resource File
Developer Ramon Santamaria
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store resources
Additional Functions Package assets
Features Binary format, Multiple assets

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on assets
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency Asset dependent
Editable Yes, with tools

Use Cases

Game Development Yes
Asset Bundling Yes
Resource Management Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Low risk
Best Practices Asset validation

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version Associated with raylib

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .png, .wav, .ttf

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Raylib Free Windows, Mac, Linux
rres tool Free Windows, Mac, Linux