A .RFLD file is a Ravenfield Map file. At file.org we know files.... We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We're working on it. To open .RFLD files, d...
A .RFLD file is a Ravenfield Map file. At file.org we know files…. We have not yet analyzed in detail what these files contain and what they are used for. We’re working on it. To open .RFLD files, doubleclick the file icon. If your operating system has a program to open it, the file should open.
The .rfl file extension is associated with Reason ReFill Sound Bank files. Reason is a song creation program with virtual studio rack and advanced sequencer features. You can try changing the file extension on downloaded maps to .rfl. Don’t worry if a message says the file may no longer work.
RFL files are only seen and modified by Ravenfield users to change gameplay. With the Steam version, click Subscribe on the Steam Workshop mod page. RFL files download to the Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\ folder. To use them, make a mods folder and move the RFL files there.
To install Ravenfield maps: join the Ravenfield Discord server and get maps from the #playable-maps-and-feedback pinned messages. Use Steam to find Ravenfield’s local files. Make a levels folder and put maps there.
The in-game Map Editor allows creating custom maps with props, primitives and terrain presets. It is simpler yet more restrictive than the Unity Toolspack. Custom levels made in the editor can upload to the Steam Workshop.