.PIMA File Extension

Adobe Application Installation Archive

Most PIMX files reference a PIMA file in the pimaInfo section. This section includes the PIMA file's name, package type, and size. PIMA packages are Zip-compressed files. PIMA files are not meant to b...

General Information

Title PIMA File Extension
Extension .pima
Full Form Adobe Application Installation Archive
File Type Archive File
Developer Adobe Systems
MIME Type application/x-pima

File Function

Primary Function Store installation files
Additional Functions Secure content delivery
Features Encrypted, Compressed

File Characteristics

Quality High integrity
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable No

Use Cases

Software Installation Yes
Content Distribution Yes
Secure Package Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Package tampering
Best Practices Verify source, Secure transfer

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Associated with CS versions
Latest Version Varies by Adobe product

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .zip, .exe, .dmg, .pkg

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Adobe Extension Manager Free Windows, Mac
Adobe Creative Suite Subscription Windows, Mac