.OLK15MESSAGE File Extension

Outlook for Mac Email Message

Install software to open files. Users can't open OLK15MESSAGE files if no compatible program is installed. Download Office 365 or Microsoft Outlook to address this. Associate OLK15MESSAGE files wit...

General Information

Title OLK15MESSAGE File Extension
Extension .olk15message
Full Form Outlook for Mac Email Message
File Type Email Message File
Developer Microsoft
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store email messages
Additional Functions Preserve formatting, attachments

File Characteristics

Quality High fidelity
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With compatible software

Use Cases

Email Archiving Yes
Data Migration Yes
Backup Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Malicious attachments
Best Practices Regular backups, email scanning

Historical/Version Information

Associated with Outlook for Mac 2015
Replaced by .olk15Message replaced by .olk15MsgSource in later versions

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .olk14message, .msg, .eml

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Microsoft Outlook for Mac Paid Mac