.MJPG File Extension

Motion JPEG Video File

You still cannot access MJPG files although Motion JPEG Player is on your system. Make sure the software supporting file extension MJPG is up to date. Software creators may add compatibility with newe...

General Information

Title MJPG File Extension
Extension .mjpg
Full Form Motion JPEG Video File
File Type Video File
Developer Various
MIME Type video/x-motion-jpeg

File Function

Primary Function Video display
Additional Functions Streaming video
Features Continuous, No audio

File Characteristics

Quality Dependent on compression
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable Yes, with software

Use Cases

Surveillance Cameras Yes
Video Streaming Yes
Webcams Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Interception, Unauthorized access
Best Practices Encryption, Secure transfer

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release By 1992
Latest Update Varies by software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .avi, .mov, .mp4

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
VLC Media Player Free Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix
MPlayer Free Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix
FFmpeg Free Cross-platform