.MD8 File Extension

MD8 files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: Mediator Project File

The md8 file extension is associated with Modul8, a real time video mixing software for Apple Mac. Developed by GarageCUBE, Modul8 stores projects in md8 files. These files contain Modul8 projects. To...

General Information

Title MD8 File Extension
Extension .md8
Full Form Mediator Project File
File Type Project File
Developer MatchWare
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store project
Additional Functions Contain multimedia, Store interactivity settings
Features Rich media support, Interactivity

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on content
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Educational Content Yes
Interactive Presentations Yes
Web Publishing Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Macro viruses
Best Practices Regular updates, Virus scanning

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version Varies with software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .mmp, .mx4, .fla

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
MatchWare Mediator Commercial Windows

Type 2: GarageCUBE Modul8 Project

The MD8 project file is related to GarageCUBE Modul8. Modul8 is a software for live visual performance developed by GarageCube. The MD8 format description is not yet available. Windows can automatical...

General Information

Title MD8 File Extension
Extension .md8
Full Form Modul8 Project File
File Type Project File
Developer GarageCUBE
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store project
Additional Functions Save compositions, Save settings
Features Multimedia content, Project presets

File Characteristics

Quality High
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Live Performances Yes
Video Art Yes
VJing Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks File corruption
Best Practices Regular backups, Versioning

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Early 2000s
Latest Version Varies with Modul8 updates

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .m8, .mov, .avi

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Modul8 Paid Mac