.MBTILES File Extension

MapBox Tiles File

MBTILES is a file format to store tilesets. It allows packaging files into a single tileset. Mapbox Studio is software to design map styles and manage location data. You can open MBTILES files in Map...

General Information

Title MBTiles File Extension
Extension .mbtiles
Full Form MapBox Tiles File
File Type Tileset
Developer MapBox
MIME Type application/x-sqlite3

File Function

Primary Function Store map data
Additional Functions Offline map usage, Map tiling
Features Single file, Multiple zoom levels

File Characteristics

Quality Dependent on source
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable With compatible software

Use Cases

Mobile Mapping Apps Yes
Offline GPS Yes
Web Mapping Services Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Embedded scripts
Best Practices Validate source, Encryption

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2011
Versioning Dependent on software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .geojson, .kml, .gpkg

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
MapBox Studio Free, Paid plans Web-based
QGIS Free Windows, Mac, Linux
TileMill Free Windows, Mac, Linux