Godot supports importing scenes with separate material files. To import a material file’s contents into Godot, review Godot’s documentation on importing scenes with separate materials.
Godot has several options for displaying PBR materials and shaders in 3D. You can convert textures on your map to Godot materials using: Basic Texturing, Material Override, and Automatic PBR Texturing. This guide looks at these three texturing options and how to automatically apply PBR materials and shaders in Godot.
The exporter tries to find Godot materials matching Blender material names. If you export an object in Blender named “PurpleDots”, it will search for “PurpleDots.tres” and assign it. If not found, it exports the Blender material. The “Material Search Paths” option determines where it searches, either the Project Directory or subfolders.
Godot supports MTL files for OBJ import if the OBJ correctly references the MTL. However, MTL has limitations – it doesn’t support PBR materials.
Godot automatically creates mipmaps on texture load. Pre-importing textures allows automatic mipmap generation. However, mobile GPUs only support mipmaps for power of 2 textures. Here, Godot stretches textures to the next power of 2, generating mipmaps. This can degrade quality and performance. Sometimes it’s better to not use mipmaps.
The Godot shader language is similar to GLSL, adding more functionality. Shader materials can be applied to 2D and 3D nodes. For simplicity, this focuses on 2D.
To fix material issues when exporting from Blender to Godot: In Blender’s export settings, ensure the Material Search Path is “Project Directory”. Reexporting searches for existing materials. You may need to manually reimport the mesh in Godot. Alternatively, fix the .escn file references with a text editor.
When exporting a model from Blender to Godot, two new resource files appear – the 3D object (.glb) and a material file (.material). Adding the .glb also adds its material. You can also manually assign the material to other objects.
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