.M2 File Extension

M2 files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: World of Warcraft Model Object

Here are simplified and reordered versions of the text: Version A (182 words): M2 files contain model objects for World of Warcraft. M2 files describe vertices, faces, materials, texture names, anima...

General Information

Title M2 File Extension
Extension .m2
Full Form World of Warcraft Model Object File
File Type Game Model File
Developer Blizzard Entertainment
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store game models
Additional Functions Animation data, Collision data
Features 3D model, Textured

File Characteristics

Quality High-resolution
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable With tools

Use Cases

Game Modding Yes
Fan Art Creation Yes
Educational Analysis Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks File tampering
Best Practices Verified sources, Regular updates

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2004
Latest Update Varies by patch

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .blp, .wmo, .anim

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
World of Warcraft Subscription-based Windows, Mac
WoW Model Viewer Free Windows, Mac
Blender with Import Script Free Windows, Mac, Linux

Type 2: PC-98 Game Music File

The m2 file extension is used for PC-98 game music files. These audio files store music data used in games for the PC-98, a Japanese computer platform by NEC. The typical file size is 5 KB. m2 files c...

General Information

Title .M2 File Extension
Extension .m2
Full Form PC-98 Game Music File
File Type Audio File
Developer N/A
MIME Type audio/x-m2

File Function

Primary Function Store music
Additional Functions Playback in games
Features Looping, PCM format

File Characteristics

Quality Low, Retro
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable With tools

Use Cases

Retro Gaming Yes
Music Sampling Yes
Emulation Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Low
Best Practices Regular scans, Trusted sources

Historical/Version Information

Associated With NEC PC-98 series
Popularity Historic, Niche

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .mp3, .wav, .mid

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
NEC PC-98 Emulators Free Varies by emulator
Audio Conversion Software Free, Paid Varies by software