A litematic schematic is represented by the Schematic class in Litemapy. Metadata is stored including: a name, description, author, and preview image set by the user. Litemapy does not fully support p...
A litematic schematic is represented by the Schematic class in Litemapy. Metadata is stored including: a name, description, author, and preview image set by the user. Litemapy does not fully support preview images yet.
To open a LITEMATIC file install the Litematica mod. Place the file in the “schematics” folder in “.minecraft”. Click Load Schematics in Litematica in Minecraft to load the LITEMATIC. Over 400 file formats can be opened with File Viewer Plus.
Windows examines the filename extension when you double-click to open a file. If Windows recognizes the extension, it opens the file in the associated program. A message asks you to select an app to open files when the extension is not recognized.
We try to assist with handling LITEMATIC files. Many share these files without explaining how to use them. This makes determining a compatible editing, converting or printing program difficult. We offer guidance on handling these files.
To install Litematica, extract the .jar file and drag into the Minecraft mods folder. When you reach the main menu you should see a “Mods” button.
Does anybody know how to port this file into the game as a world? A mod or extension may be required to open it. Here is an interesting video: .
The FileProInfo database has file extensions, software, online tools, apps and images. You can search for .litematic and .schematic results there or using Google advanced search.