.LEMON File Extension

LEMON files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: LemonShare.net Download

General Information

Title LEMON File Extension
Extension .lemon
Full Form LemonShare.net Download File
File Type Download Link Container File
Developer LemonShare.net
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store download links
Additional Functions Manage file downloads
Features Encrypted, Exclusive

File Characteristics

Quality Not applicable
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable With specific software

Use Cases

File Sharing Yes
Content Distribution Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Link exposure, Phishing
Best Practices Secure storage, Regular updates

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version Unknown

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .dlc, .jdc, .ccf

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
LemonShare.net Downloader Membership required Windows

Type 2: Sonic 3 A.I.R. Script

The LEMON file is a text file used by Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited to modify gameplay. LEMON files contain scripts read by the game engine Oxygen. Players can create scripts to mod Sonic 3 A.I.R. O...

General Information

Title .LEMON File Extension
Extension .lemon
Full Form Sonic 3 A.I.R. Script File
File Type Script File
Developer Eukaryot
MIME Type text/plain

File Function

Primary Function Game modification
Additional Functions Level scripting, Event handling
Features Customizable, Extendable

File Characteristics

Quality Plain text
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Game Modding Yes
Custom Levels Yes
Game Events Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Script injection
Best Practices Code validation, Sanitization

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2019
Latest Version Dependent on Sonic 3 A.I.R. version

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .lua, .txt, .json

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Sonic 3 A.I.R. Free Windows, Linux, Mac