KTXTM is a lightweight file format for distributing GPU textures reliably. It needs a simple loader for instantiating textures from file contents. KTX files contain all parameters required for efficient texture loading into OpenGL and Vulkan.
A KTX file stores multiple textures and images together as one compressed image. KTX files are commonly screenshots from iOS devices. iOS uses them to store current screens as users switch applications.
To open KTX files, determine the file format. Different programs use the same extensions. Extensions may be renamed incorrectly. When there are file problems, first step is to determine format. Our examination concludes:
KTX files associate with Kwaitan, a Windows program. It analyzes text. KTX files store Kwaitan data. They are for internal Kwaitan use. Probably cannot convert to other formats.
Programs supporting KTX files include Kwalitan. Its website has KTX and Kwalitan details. Files with KTX suffix can copy to any device. But may not open properly on target system.