KS files exist as 3 different types. Please find information about each of them below.
Type 1: KerboScript Source Code File
A KS file contains a KerboScript program for the Kerbal Operating System mod. It automates spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program. The game simulates early space technology. Storage capacity is limited, l...
A KS file contains a KerboScript program for the Kerbal Operating System mod. It automates spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program. The game simulates early space technology. Storage capacity is limited, like 1000 bytes. The byte count is the text’s character number.
KS can mean a Kickstart, KerboScript, or Keystore file. Kickstart launches Linux. KerboScript flies rockets in Kerbal Space Program. Keystores store encrypted keys.
KerboScript compiles into a KSM file to reduce size. The data helps programming but not execution. GZIP compression further shrinks KSM files.
Syntax highlights KS code. Editors have different styles and coverage. kOS helps make powerful programs in Kerbal Space Program. KS files format spacecraft avionics. The Kivy Python library also uses KS files for apps.
The tool ksx.py converts ksx into KerboScript. It also minifies programs. Transpiling and minifying reduce size. The GPL text bloats KerboScript files. Simple programs need less license text.
A KS file contains a script for the Kerbal Operating System mod. It automates spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program. KS files use the programming language KerboScript. Kerbal Space Program is a popular s...
A KS file contains a script for the Kerbal Operating System mod. It automates spacecraft in Kerbal Space Program. KS files use the programming language KerboScript. Kerbal Space Program is a popular simulator game. It is on Windows, Mac and Linux platforms. Modders extended KSP. kOS mod allows autopilot scripts to fly rockets automatically. The scripts are in KerboScript. They save as KS files.
More details are available. A screenshot shows a KS file in Code. The KS file extension relates to Mer software middleware. Mer is Linux for mobile devices. It comes from MeeGo. The format helps hardware vendors. KS files build system images. MIC2 utilizes Kickstart formatting for images. See Fedora Kickstart for format details.
A KS file contains a script for the Kerbal Operating System mod. The scripts automate spacecraft flights in Kerbal Space Program. The game has many add-ons, including kOS which executes autopilot scri...
A KS file contains a script for the Kerbal Operating System mod. The scripts automate spacecraft flights in Kerbal Space Program. The game has many add-ons, including kOS which executes autopilot scripts. The KS format is kOS’s KerboScript language used for the scripts.
Keystore files store cryptographic keys used to verify applications. KS is the file extension for the keystore format. It is used by Eclipse and Unity. KS files encrypt SSL keys and identify Android app authors.
KS files build OS images for Linux systems like Red Hat and CentOS. They have install instructions for unattended OS construction. The MeeGo Image Creator uses KS files. The format details are on the Fedora Kickstart page.
The KS file is for the Mer middleware operating system. Mer SDK uses the format. It is open source for hardware vendors. Mer is a fork of MeeGo.
To open KS files, four software applications typically work: MIC2 for Debian. KS files relate to system and encoded file types. They are not very common overall. Details on associated software are above.