.JST File Extension

JST files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: Jnes Save State

We have free online .JST file apps. They allow to view, edit, convert, merge, split, and compare JST files without installing anything. Please click the links to see details for each feature. Search t...

File Function

Title JST File Function
Primary Function Save game state
Additional Functions Store progress, Quick load

File Characteristics

Title JST File Characteristics
Binary Format Yes
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable No

Use Cases

Title JST Use Cases
Game Emulation Yes
Backup Yes
Sharing Yes

Security and Practices

Title JST Security and Practices
Security Risks Low
Best Practices Regular backups, Verify sources

Historical/Version Information

Title JST Historical/Version Information
Initial Release N/A
Associated with Jnes Emulator versions

Associated Types

Title JST Associated Types
Emulator Files .nes, .fds
Companion Files .jmv, .jft, .jst, .jsr

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Jnes Free Windows

Type 2: JavaServer Page Document

General Information

Title JSP File Extension
Extension .jsp
Full Form JavaServer Page Document
File Type Web Page
Developer Sun Microsystems
MIME Type text/html

File Function

Primary Function Serve dynamic content
Additional Functions Supports Java code, Embeds Java servlets
Features Scriptlets, Directives, Actions

File Characteristics

Quality Highly dynamic
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Dynamic Websites Yes
Web Applications Yes
Enterprise Solutions Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks XSS, Code injection
Best Practices Input validation, Output escaping

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 1999
Latest Version JSP 2.3 (2013)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .java, .class, .war, .html

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Apache Tomcat Free Windows, Mac, Linux
Eclipse IDE Free Windows, Mac, Linux
IntelliJ IDEA Free, Paid Windows, Mac, Linux