.ISPX File Extension

Internet Studio Page

Files with ISPX extension are Text Files categorized. The Text Files subset has 440 various formats. iStudio Publisher is the most used program for working with ISPX files. iStudio created the softwar...

General Information

Title .ISPX File Extension
Extension .ispx
Full Form Internet Studio Page
File Type Web Page
Developer Microsoft
MIME Type text/html

File Function

Primary Function Store web page
Additional Functions Contain code, resources
Features Dynamic content, Server-side

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on content
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Web Development Yes
Server-Side Scripting Yes
Dynamic Web Pages Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Code injection, XSS
Best Practices Input validation, Output encoding

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Associated with .NET
Latest Version Varies with software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .aspx, .asmx, .ascx

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Microsoft Visual Studio Free, Paid Windows
IIS (Internet Information Services) Free with Windows Windows