.IMT File Extension

IMT file extension. IMT file is IMNET Graphics Image Format. IMT file supported on 1 operating system. Software needed to open IMT file depends on operating system. Below summary programs supporting a...

General Information

File Function

Title IMT File Extension
Extension .imt
Primary Function Graphical data
Additional Functions Image template, Texture storage

File Characteristics

Quality High, Variable
Supports Layers Unknown
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes, With software

Use Cases

Gaming Yes
Texture Modding Yes
3D Modeling Possible

Security and Practices

Security Risks Low
Best Practices Use trusted sources

Historical/Version Information

Associated With My Time at Portia
File Use Active, Game-specific

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .png, .dds, .tga

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Inspirations Model Texture File N/A N/A
My Time at Portia Commercial Windows, Console, Mac