.ILDOC File Extension

ILSpy Decompiled Document

Files with ildoc extension originate from BroadVision QuickSilver documents. We do not know 3rd party software that could open ildoc, except original QuickSilver. QuickSilver can possibly export docum...

General Information

Title ILDOC File Extension
Extension .ildoc
Full Form ILSpy Decompiled Document
File Type Decompiled Code File
Developer icsharpcode

File Function

Primary Function Store decompiled code
Additional Functions Code viewing, analysis
Features Structured format, Readable

File Characteristics

Quality Readable format
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes, with tools

Use Cases

Reverse Engineering Yes
Code Analysis Yes
Software Debugging Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Code exploitation
Best Practices Safe handling, Decompilation ethics

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release N/A
Latest Version Associated with ILSpy updates

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .dll, .exe, .cs

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
ILSpy Free Windows
dnSpy Free Windows