.HTML File Extension

Hypertext Markup Language File

It is impossible with HTML. The user will be able to choose any file. You could write code to block file types, but a user could bypass this. The accept attribute specifies allowed files. Some exampl...

General Information

Title HTML File Extension
Extension .html
Full Form Hypertext Markup Language File
File Type Markup Language File
Developer W3C, WHATWG
MIME Type text/html

File Function

Primary Function Display web content
Additional Functions Link resources, Structure content
Features Tags-based, Nestable, Linkable

File Characteristics

Quality Structured text
Supports Layers CSS styling
Supports Transparency Via CSS
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Web Pages Yes
Web Applications Yes
Documentation Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks XSS attacks, CSRF
Best Practices Validation, Encoding

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 1993
Latest Version HTML 5.2 (2017)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .htm, .xhtml, .shtml, .dhtml

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Google Chrome Free Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Mozilla Firefox Free Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS
Microsoft Edge Free Windows, Mac, Android, iOS
Apple Safari Free Mac, iOS
Adobe Dreamweaver Subscription Windows, Mac