You must first decompress GZ files then expand them. GZ files contain compressed archives created with the GNU zip algorithm. This format replaces UNIX compression formats. WinZip opens GZ files on Windows and MacOS.
Like ZIP files, GZ files compress single files. File names and timestamps remain intact when compressed. This is handy as compressed files may lose timestamps when transferred. Websites use GZ compression to speed up page loading.
You have a .gz file. These launch only with certain applications, not for viewing. .gz files compress data.
Make sure software that handles .gz is up-to-date. Updated software may add .gz compatibility. Previous versions should still open GZ files.
Assign GZ files to open with WinZip.
Files ending in .gz contain GNU Zip compressed archives. This format is popular on UNIX and unpacks easily. .tgz and .tar.gz indicate TAR archives first compressed by GZ.
Compress large files to email with the .gz format. It uses Gnu compression. .gz files contain one file – combine with TAR first for multiple files.