To open a GTMAP file:
Place the file in your Monke Map Loader/CustomMaps directory.
Open Monke Map Loader in Gorilla Tag.
Use arrow keys to follow prompts to load the map.
A GTM file extension contains map data for GPS TrackMaker software.
The GTM file format stores map data for the GPS TrackMaker program.
The gmt_customio.c source file has information to extend GMT to read custom grid files.
Shapefiles store GIS data with limitations like 2 GB file size.
Geopackages store geospatial data in a SQLite database as a single file. This makes sharing easier.
GPSBabel converts many geospatial file types. Online tools also exist.
The GPF-DIME format stored US road networks to assist the US Census Bureau.
Find Gorilla Tag custom maps below.
MrSID imagery compression commonly stores orthoimagery.
In Genstat software, marker scores use a genotype file. Map info uses a separate map file.