.GBLORB File Extension

Glulx Blorb Game File

GBLORB files store interactive fiction games. These text-based games let players advance through stories by typing text commands. GBLORB packages together the game text, images, audio effects and othe...

General Information

Title GBLORB File Extension
Extension .gblorb
Full Form Glulx Blorb Game File
File Type Game File
Developer Interactive Fiction Technology Foundation
MIME Type application/x-glulx

File Function

Primary Function Interactive fiction
Additional Functions Multimedia content storage
Features Resource packaging, Game execution

File Characteristics

Quality Game dependent
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With tools

Use Cases

Interactive Fiction Yes
Game Development Yes
Storytelling Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Minimal
Best Practices Regular updates, Trusted sources

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2000s
Latest Update Revisions ongoing

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .blb, .blorb, .ulx, .zblorb

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Gargoyle Free Windows, Mac, Linux
Lectrote Free Windows, Mac, Linux
Glulxe Free Platform independent