.ELF File Extension

ELF files exist as 3 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: Nintendo Wii Game File

General Information

Title ELF File Extension
Extension .elf
Full Form Executable and Linkable Format
File Type Game File
Developer Nintendo
MIME Type application/x-executable

File Function

Primary Function Executable code
Additional Functions Debugging, Patching
Features Binary code, Linkable

File Characteristics

Quality High performance
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes, with tools

Use Cases

Game Development Yes
Software Modding Yes
Homebrew Apps Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Executable malware
Best Practices Verified sources, Secure distribution

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2006
Latest Version Depends on game

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .dol, .iso, .wad

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Dolphin Emulator Free Windows, Mac, Linux
DevkitPro Free Windows, Mac, Linux

Type 2: Executable and Linkable Format File

The Executable and Linkable Format (ELF) is a common file format for executable files, object code, shared libraries, and core dumps. First used in Unix System V Release 4 (SVR4), it was quickly accep...

General Information

Title ELF File Extension
Extension .elf
Full Form Executable and Linkable Format File
File Type Binary Executable File
Developer UNIX System Laboratories
MIME Type application/x-executable

File Function

Primary Function Program execution
Additional Functions Linking, System libraries
Features Binary code, Multiple architectures

File Characteristics

Quality Highly efficient
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable No, Binary

Use Cases

System Software Yes
Embedded Systems Yes
Application Software Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Executable malware
Best Practices Binary analysis, Secure distribution

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 1980s
Latest Specification ELF-64 Version 1.2

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .o, .so, .prx, .puff

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) Free Various
GNU Debugger (GDB) Free Various
readelf Free Various

Type 3: PlayStation Executable

Learn about ELF file extension and associated software programs. Sometimes the ELF files are modified to modify the PlayStation gameplay. The PlayStation ELF files use the "Executable and Linkable For...

General Information

Title ELF File Extension
Extension .elf
Full Form Executable and Linkable Format
File Type Binary Executable File
Developer Sony
MIME Type application/x-executable

File Function

Primary Function Run programs
Additional Functions Debugging, Patching
Features Executable, Linkable

File Characteristics

Quality High performance
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With tools

Use Cases

Console Gaming Yes
Software Testing Yes
Homebrew Development Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Executable tampering
Best Practices Integrity checks, Secure distribution

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2000
Latest Version Varies by software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .prx, .pup, .pbp

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
PCSX2 Free Windows, Mac, Linux
PS2EMU Free Windows
PS2SDK Free Windows, Linux