Here are some suggestions:
a) make the text as simple as possible. Vary the length of the sentences from 6 to 17 words.
Files with the CP9 extension are compressed files used on Windows. CP Email Reporting Security opens these files. 236 file types are compressed files like CP9. Files with the CP9 extension can be copied to other devices but may not open.
b) change order of sentences to make the text more cohesive.
Files with the CP9 extension are compressed files used on Windows. 236 file types are compressed files like CP9. CP Email Reporting Security opens these files. Files with the CP9 extension can be copied to other devices but may not open.
c) change order of words.
The CP9 extension files are. Windows on used compressed files. Like CP9 236 types files are compressed. These files CP Email Reporting Security opens. Be copied can Files the CP9 extension to other devices but not open may.
d) make sure forms of the words are not changed.
The CP9 extension files are. Windows on used compressed files. Like CP9 236 types files are compressed. These files CP Email Reporting Security opens. Be copied can Files the CP9 extension to other devices but not open may.
e) make sure nothing is added, only reordering and deleting is allowed.
CP9 extension files compressed used Windows. 236 types compressed like CP9. CP Email Reporting Security opens files. CP9 extension files copied devices not open.
f) remove unnecessary parts.
CP9 files compressed used Windows. Open CP Email Reporting Security. Copy devices not open.