.C4K File Extension

The C4K file format stores data for the Clonk computer game. Developed by RedWolf Design, this text-based format saves license keys. The keys activate Clonk software for 1509 game files. To install ...

General Information

File Function

Title C4K File Function
Primary Function Encrypted file container
Additional Functions Data security, Access control

File Characteristics

Title C4K File Characteristics
Quality High encryption
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With key

Use Cases

Title C4K Use Cases
Game Content Yes
Data Archiving Possibly
Secure Data Transfer Yes

Security and Practices

Title C4K Security and Practices
Security Risks Low, Encrypted
Best Practices Strong passwords, Secure storage

Historical/Version Information

Title C4K Historical/Version Information
Initial Release With game
Latest Version Game dependent

Associated Types

Title C4K Associated Types
Similar Extensions .clonk, .c4f, .c4d

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Clonk Free Windows, Mac, Linux