.BSS File Extension

Block Started by Symbol

BSS files have the extension .bss. They are Raster Image Files developed by Capcom. BSS files are used in the Resident Evil games. These horror games were made for Playstation. The Reevengi tool lets ...

General Information

Title .BSS File Extension
Extension .bss
Full Form Block Started by Symbol
File Type Uninitialized Data Block
Developer N/A

File Function

Primary Function Store variables
Additional Functions Allocate memory
Features Uninitialized data, Zeroed on load

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on usage
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Indirectly

Use Cases

Low-level Programming Yes
Embedded Systems Yes
System Software Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Buffer overflow
Best Practices Memory management

Historical/Version Information

Associated With Assembly, C
Relevance Legacy systems, Ongoing

Associated Types

Similar Functions .data, .text

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
GNU Linker Free Cross-platform
Various IDEs Varies Varies