A bak1 file is generally a backup of an original file. To restore the original, rename the bak1 file to its original extension. A bak1 file can often be recovered by renaming it to the original suffix...
A bak1 file is generally a backup of an original file. To restore the original, rename the bak1 file to its original extension. A bak1 file can often be recovered by renaming it to the original suffix.
Bak1 files are backup files used by various programs. They are stored in the player folder in the Starbound folder. For Steam, bak1 files are in C:/Program Files/Steam/SteamApps/common/Starbound/player. Starbound also uses .bak2 and .bak3.
To open a bak1 file, the same software used to create it is usually needed. If unknown, try a text editor or file viewer. But contents may not be readable without proper software.
Mistypes like ba1, bak and bk1 are common. Check if the extension is misspelled. We found similar extensions .ba1, .bak and .bk1.
Handle bak1 files carefully. Harmful software can use the extension too. Be cautious with bak1 files from unknown sources.
We provide information on software, editing instructions and conversion options for bak1 files. Our aim is to simplify use of the format.