An azs file stores secured data in a format developed by AirZip. The format is called AirZip FormatSECURE. Azs is the default secure file format used by the AirZip FileSECURE software. It can contain any type of file.
Azs files are supported on Windows operating systems. To open azs files, use the AirZip FileSECURE Reader application. The Reader allows you to view, edit permissions, and access properties of azs files.
You may see azs files with the extension .azf. This is an alternate secure file format that includes a print-quality version of the document. Use the .azs format unless you need the print-quality version.
If you cannot open an azs file even with the Reader installed, try updating the Reader software. Developers sometimes introduce new formats that older versions cannot read.
Other azs file tools:
1. AZS File Opener
2. AZS File Converter
3. AZS File Viewer
4. AZS File Editor
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