.AM File Extension

AM files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: Automake Makefile Template

Automake is a tool for automatically generating Makefile.ins from Makefile.am files. The generated Makefile.ins follow GNU Makefile standards. Makefile.am files contain make variable definitions and o...

General Information

Title AM File Extension
Extension .am
Full Form Automake Makefile Template
File Type Build Configuration File
Developer GNU Project
MIME Type text/x-automake

File Function

Primary Function Define build options
Additional Functions Automate compilation
Features Portable, Extensible

File Characteristics

Quality Text-based
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Software Development Yes
Build Automation Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Script tampering
Best Practices Version control, Review process

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Early 1990s
Latest Version Varies with Automake

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .ac, .in, .m4

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
GNU Automake Free Unix-like, Windows
GNU Autoconf Free Unix-like, Windows
Make Free Unix-like, Windows

Type 2: Anark Media File

Here is the text with sentences simplified and reordered to improve flow and cohesion: Please click links to explore complete details list for each feature of free online AM file extension apps. The a...

General Information

Title AM File Extension
Extension .am
Full Form Anark Media File
File Type Multimedia File
Developer Anark Corporation
MIME Type application/x-am

File Function

Primary Function 3D graphics, animation
Additional Functions Interactive content
Features Rich media, Interactive

File Characteristics

Quality High
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes, with software

Use Cases

Web Content Yes
Game Development Previously
Interactive Presentations Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Code execution
Best Practices Updated software, Scan for malware

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Early 2000s
Latest Version Unknown

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .anark, .3dxml, .u3d

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Anark Studio Discontinued Windows
Web Browsers Free Varies