.AES File Extension

AES files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: AES Crypt Encrypted File

AES Crypt creates encrypted files, adds .aes extension to file names. Double-click .aes file, enter password to access original file. AES Crypt uses industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES...

General Information

Title AES Crypt Encrypted File
Extension .aes
Full Form AES Encrypted File
File Type Encrypted File
Developer Packetizer, Inc.
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Secure storage
Additional Functions Data encryption
Features 256-bit AES, Secure

File Characteristics

Quality Encrypted content
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable No, Encrypted

Use Cases

Data Protection Yes
Secure Backups Yes
Privacy Compliance Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Brute-force attacks
Best Practices Strong passwords, Secure backups

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2001
Latest Version Varies by platform

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .gpg, .pgp

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
AES Crypt Free, Open Source Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS

Type 2: ooVoo Log File

AES files are useful for protecting sensitive documents. When AES Crypt encrypts a file, it appends ".aes" to the filename. For example, mydocument.docx becomes mydocument.docx.aes. You can double-cli...

General Information

Title AES File Extension
Extension .aes
Full Form ooVoo Log File
File Type Log File
Developer ooVoo LLC
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store logs
Additional Functions Error reporting, Debugging
Features Encrypted, Text-based

File Characteristics

Quality High
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable No

Use Cases

Video Conferencing Yes
Troubleshooting Yes
User Support Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Data leakage
Best Practices Secure storage, Access control

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version Discontinued

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .log, .txt

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
ooVoo N/A Windows, Mac