.HTC File Extension

HTML Component File

The htc file contains script and HTC elements defining a component. Use a text editor or Adobe Dreamweaver to open and edit htc files. HTC files relate to HTML components, not HTC devices. Open HTC fi...

General Information

Title HTC File Extension
Extension .htc
Full Form HTML Component File
File Type Web Component File
Developer Microsoft
MIME Type text/x-component

File Function

Primary Function Enhance CSS
Additional Functions Scripting support, Interactivity
Features Behavioral extensions, DHTML

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on implementation
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Dynamic Web Pages Yes
Interactive Content Yes
Browser-specific Features Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Code execution
Best Practices Validation, Secure usage

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 1997
Latest Usage Declined post-IE

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .css, .js

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Internet Explorer Free Windows
Visual Studio Free, Paid versions Windows, Mac
Notepad++ Free Windows