.IMAGELIST File Extension

Image List File

Image lists store positions and orientations of raw images. The default file extension for a TerraPhoto image list is .IML. It is stored as a text file. The first row is a header to recognize the file...

General Information

Title .IMAGELIST File Extension
Extension .imagelist
Full Form Image List File
File Type Data File
Developer Unknown
MIME Type application/octet-stream

File Function

Primary Function Store image paths
Additional Functions Image management
Features Text-based, List format

File Characteristics

Quality Not applicable
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Image Cataloging Yes
Software Development Possible
Resource Management Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Low risk
Best Practices Validation, Backup

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version Version varies

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .txt, .csv, .xml

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Windows Photo Gallery Free Windows
Custom Software Varies Platform-specific