LyX is a document editing software. It allows users to create structured documents. A .lyx file stores documents written in LyX word processor. Use LyX to open and work with .lyx documents. LyX offers export to DOC, HTML or ODT formats.
Check if your system can handle Lyx. If under heavy load, it may not open LYX files. In this case close other applications. Check for the latest OS and driver updates.
The easiest way to open LYX files is to download software that uses LYX extension. If LyX does not open the file, right-click and select Open With. Then choose LyX.
On Windows, right-click the LYX file. Select Open with and click Choose another app. Select the desired application. If you don’t see one, click More apps or Look for another app to find other applications.
If the above solutions do not help open the file, double-check the file extension.