.bemuse file format aims to strike balance between downloading whole file again or downloading file partially. There are two file types: metadata.json (index file) and *.bemuse (sound data chunk file). Metadata file is JSON-based. A .bemuse file contains several .ogg audio files, packaged together to make loading easier for Bemuse. Bemuse is online rhythm game where players hit buttons to music. Players can optimize songs for Bemuse using .bemuse file format.
Format rules are the Strink formatter. ReplayGain tags and album art can be added. BMS files need converting to .bemuse file format before Bemuse plays them. Custom format holds BMS and keysound files for web apps. File starts with “BEMUSEPACK”. Modern BMS simulators define play style by file extension and directives, not PLAYER. Directives define title, difficulty level, timing threshold.
Bemuse clone uses HTML5, React, Redux and Pixi.js. Clone with Git or download zip file. Safari and iOS now support OGG files instead of m4a. So Bemuse works without proprietary formats. BMS dialog lets you select file to decompress and load. But it consumes RAM.