.YGH File Extension

In most cases, you should delete any YGH files. YGH files are typically malicious. After deleting, scan your system for viruses and malware. You should not open or run YGH file programs. Can a develop...

General Information

File Function

Title Gameplay Recording
Primary Function Store game replays
Additional Functions Review, Share
Features Indexed, Timestamped

File Characteristics

Title File Traits
Quality High
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With software

Use Cases

Title Usage Scenarios
Music Learning Yes
Gameplay Review Yes
Sharing Progress Yes

Security and Practices

Title Security Measures
Security Risks Low
Best Practices Regular updates

Historical/Version Information

Title Version History
Initial Release Unknown
Latest Format Update N/A

Associated Types

Title Related File Types
Similar Extensions .ygp, .ysc

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Yousician Subscription Windows, Mac, iOS, Android