.RTL File Extension

RunTime Library

Files with the .rtl extension are raster image files used by HP printers. RTL files can also be text files or program executable files. There are 574 file types with the .rtl extension for Linux and W...

General Information

Title RTL File Extension
Extension .rtl
Full Form RunTime Library
File Type Resource File
Developer Various
MIME Type application/x-rtl

File Function

Primary Function Store resources
Additional Functions Support executables
Features Binary format, Non-executable

File Characteristics

Quality Depends on usage
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable With specific tools

Use Cases

Software Development Yes
Compiled Programs Yes
Resource Management Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Code execution
Best Practices Regular updates, Safe source

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Varies
Latest Version Depends on software

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .dll, .lib, .ocx

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Borland Software Commercial Windows
Various Compilers Free, Commercial Varies