.AMC File Extension

AMC files exist as 2 different types. Please find information about each of them below.

Type 1: AMC Video File

Here are two versions of the text with sentences shortened, order changed to improve flow, and unnecessary parts removed. The word order has not been changed. Version 1 (sentences 6-17 words): AMC fi...

General Information

Title AMC Video File Extension
Extension .amc
Full Form Adaptive Modulation and Coding Video File
File Type Video File
Developer Unknown
MIME Type application/x-mpeg

File Function

Primary Function Video playback
Additional Functions None
Features Adaptive modulation

File Characteristics

Quality Variable
Supports Layers No
Supports Transparency No
Editable No

Use Cases

Mobile Devices Yes
Video Streaming Yes
Multimedia Playback Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Limited
Best Practices Regular updates

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release Unknown
Latest Version N/A

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .mp4, .3gp

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
AMC Player N/A N/A
QuickTime Player Free Mac, Windows
VLC Media Player Free Windows, Mac, Linux

Type 2: Ant Movie Catalog File

The AMC format allows quality negotiation based on channel conditions between devices. The AMC file extension is used by Ant Movie Catalog to store collections like movies or CDs. It includes title, d...

General Information

Title AMC File Extension
Extension .amc
Full Form Ant Movie Catalog File
File Type Database File
Developer Antoine Potten
MIME Type application/x-amc

File Function

Primary Function Movie database
Additional Functions Data storage, Information retrieval
Features Customizable fields, Scripting support

File Characteristics

Quality High reliability
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable Yes, Proprietary software

Use Cases

Movie Collection Management Yes
Personal Cataloguing Yes
Media Organization Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks File corruption
Best Practices Regular backups, Data verification

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release 2000
Latest Version (2020)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .csv, .xml, .txt

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Ant Movie Catalog Free Windows
AMC Reader Free Android