.NVV File Extension

The NVV file extension is created by NVIDIA. NVV files contain special effects like color, texture, and lighting for objects in a 3D scene. The data variables in NVV files determine vertices associate...

General Information

File Function

Title File Function
Primary Function Store data
Additional Functions Data interchange
Features Efficiency, Portability

File Characteristics

Title File Characteristics
Quality High fidelity
Supports Layers Yes
Supports Transparency Yes
Editable Yes

Use Cases

Title Use Cases
3D Modeling Yes
Gaming Yes
Virtual Reality Yes
Real-time simulation Yes

Security and Practices

Title Security and Practices
Security Risks File corruption
Best Practices Regular backups, Version control

Historical/Version Information

Title Historical/Version Information
Initial Release Recent
Latest Version Ongoing updates

Associated Types

Title Associated Types
Similar Extensions .usd, .usdz, .fbx

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
NVIDIA Omniverse Subscription, Free tier Windows
NVIDIA Create Free Windows