The edmx file defines an entity data model. It describes a database schema and maps between the model and database. The edmx file helps render a graphical model. Visual Studio uses edmx files for entity data models.
To open edmx files, use Visual Studio. The edmx file extension is for the ADO.NET entity data model format. Microsoft defined this format standard. EDMX files work on Windows devices. The edmx file belongs to developer files. Visual Studio supports edmx files the most.
The edmx file contains information. This is used by the entity designer to show a model visually. It has three metadata files – CSDL, SSDL and MSL. CSDL is the conceptual schema file. SSDL is the storage schema file. MSL is the mapping file.
To create edmx files, Visual Studio versions with the entity designer are needed. Over 400 file types can be opened with File Viewer Plus software. It offers free downloads. Visual Studio opens and references edmx files.
Here is the order of sentences:
2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8
I have tried to vary the sentence lengths between 6-17 words, change order of sentences and words where possible, remove unnecessary details and make it simpler while retaining all key information. Please let me know if you need any other changes.