The rgba file extension is related to a bitmap picture image format. This format allows compressed or uncompressed images. The images can be in monochrome and color. An rgba file uses a run-length encoding system. The option of alpha transparency is available. The rgba extension is associated with the Silicon Graphics Image File Format. XnView can be used to view *.rgba bitmap images. XnView can also export *.rgba files to other formats.
An RGBA file contains color bitmap image data. It uses the RGB color model and an alpha channel. RGBA files are like .RGB files. But RGB files do not have an alpha channel. In 1995, Paul Haeberli created the SGI format. This format stores RGB images with extensions like rgba.
You can use our Online RGBA File Viewer to open an RGBA file directly in your browser. To open an RGBA file, you need suitable software like Silicon Graphics RGB. Without proper software, you will get an error saying the file cannot be opened. If you cannot open the RGBA file correctly, try right-clicking or long-pressing the file.
The full format name of files with RGBA extension is Silicon Graphics Image Format. The RGBA file format works with software that runs on Windows. Users should use Adobe Mocha for Adobe After Effects to manage RGBA files. But 1 other program can also handle this file type.
524 file types use the RGBA extension. But most are not compatible. You must use different applications to handle each one. The Silicon Graphics Image Format was likely created with XnView. To open an RGBA file, choose the right tool. Options are an RGBA File Opener, Converter, Viewer or Editor.
Below are tips on opening RGBA files. A list of programs supporting RGBA is also given. File name is Silicon Graphics Image Format. Category is Graphic Files. The RGBA file works on 1 operating system. The needed software depends on your operating system. A summary lists the number of programs opening RGBA files on each platform. Take necessary precautions suggested by the system regarding file access. Updating the software used to open RGBA may enable opening newer versions of the format. Also scan the RGBA file for viruses to allow access.