.JAV File Extension

Overview. In this tutorial, we'll show how to get the file extension in Java. We'll focus on major approaches to the problem. The characters after the final '.' will be returned. Therefore, if file is...

General Information

File Function

Title Contains Java Source Code
Purpose Development, Compilation
Output Bytecode (.class)

File Characteristics

Title Source Code Traits
Text Based Yes
Encoding UTF-8, ASCII
Case Sensitive Yes

Use Cases

Title Application Areas
Enterprise Software Common
Android Apps Frequent
Educational Purposes Widespread

Security and Practices

Title Security Measures
Vulnerabilities Code Injection, Bugs
Prevention Static analysis, Unit testing

Historical/Version Information

Title Evolution
First Appearance 1995
Stable Release Java SE 18 (2022)

Associated Types

Title Related File Types
Compiled Code .class
Archives .jar, .war
Android Files .apk

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
IntelliJ IDEA
JDK Tools
Visual Studio Code