.P7C File Extension

PKCS #7 Certificate File

P7C files contain digital certificates used to authenticate identity over networks. These PKCS #7 certificate files include public keys generated with cryptography. Once imported, software adds the ve...

General Information

Title P7C File Extension
Extension .p7c
Full Form PKCS #7 Certificate File
File Type Certificate File
Developer Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
MIME Type application/pkcs7-mime

File Function

Primary Function Store certificates
Additional Functions Secure email, Code signing
Features Encryption, Authentication

File Characteristics

Quality Standardized
Supports Layers N/A
Supports Transparency N/A
Editable No

Use Cases

Secure email Yes
Code signing Yes

Security and Practices

Security Risks Certificate tampering
Best Practices Validate, Secure storage

Historical/Version Information

Initial Release RFC 2315 (1998)
Latest Revision RFC 8551 (2019)

Associated Types

Similar Extensions .pfx, .pem, .der, .crt

Software Compatibility

Software Usage Policy OS Compatibility
Microsoft Windows Part of OS Windows
Apple macOS Part of OS Mac
Adobe Acrobat Subscription Windows, Mac